Well-rounded care goes far beyond food and shelter. We are here to help with that.
Handicapped Pets Foundation
Where: Nationwide
Services Offered: Affordable and grant funded wheelchairs for pets
Who is Eligible: Low income individuals
Cost: Free
Species Served: Dogs and Cats
Frankies Friends
Where: Michigan and Florida
Services Offered: Free pet insurance
Who is Eligible: Retired working dogs
Species Served: Dogs
Paws with a Purpose
Where: Northeastern Ohio
Services Offered: Free or low cost euthanasia for terminally ill pets
Who is Eligible: Individuals receiving government assistance
Species Served: Dogs and cats
Contact: ohiopawswithpurpose@gmail.com
Must submit name and phone number of vet along with name and photo of pet upon application
Angels for Animals
Where: Northeast Ohio
Services Offered: Low cost euthanasia and cremation for terminally ill pets
Who is Eligible: Residents of Northeast Ohio
Species Served: Dogs and Cats
Frosted Faces
Where: Nationwide
Services Offered: Grant funding for vet care as well as practical care needs such as fence repairs, medications, and mobility aids
Who is Eligible: Individuals receiving government assistance with senior pets
Species Served: Dogs and cats
Contact: info@Frostedfacesfoudnation.com